Saturday, August 20, 2011

America's Royal Wedding?

Is America is so messed up that it places individuals on a pedestal and worships them like they are royalty. How can someone leak their own sex tape and then make a fortune from it? I don't understand how we as culture are so disappointed with our own lives that we feel the need to live vicariously through someone else's via the television. 
So all I have been seeing on the tube is this crap about America's version of the royal wedding. For the love of all that is Holly, stop being stupid people! The real Royal Wedding that took place just recently was very important. The wedding of a blood line that can be traced back to 400 AD and a commoner is something that only happens in fairy tales. What we were lucky to see was something that never happens! That is important people! 
This silly charade that is happing this weekend is nowhere near close! Yes a wedding between two people who love each other is a very special thing but this media circus is only designed to make money. Yes it will cost a few million dollars but the return will most likely be around ten million.
And for some reason we as a culture let this happen. 
Are there not more important things going on in America or the world for that matter? Yes there are but does anyone remember the book "Animal Farm" by George Orwell? Remember when the workers started to complain about their conditions and the pigs had a television put in the barn? The worker animals became so mesmerized by it's images of pretty actresses the rank-and-file animals become drugged and content to follow the commandments of the pigs.
FYI - the pigs represented the Government.
So in conclusion,  smile on America! While you watch a wedding of two people who have contributed absolutely nothing to society the Government is working very hard to take away your rights. Stop complaining because you did it to your selves.

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